Some time ago, I wrote a series of essays. I discovered that for me, writing helped distill moments of insight I experienced as I worked on learning to live life differently and better. Since my writing served me, I hoped it might serve others. I hoped that by sharing, we might all benefit and learn together. In that same spirit, I still maintain these thoughts and reflections. Life really is a marvelous and astonishing thing – even when it sucks. Together, we can all help create and live powerful, fulfilling lives.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our Greatest Gifts

 Jan. 20th, 2003
         This morning, as I spent a quite moment in meditation, I began to think about the gifts that flow from the universe, from spirit, from God in such rich abundance into our lives each and every moment. I thought about how easy it is to dismiss them, take them for granted or miss them entirely. Some of our greatest, most precious gifts sit gathering dust or growing moss right before us covered as they are by the invisible blanket of familiarity.

         I know my relationships can be like that if I’m
not really careful. I treasure my Beloved boundlessly, and all the other beloveds in my life. This morning it’s time to dust them off! The moss comes off my relationships when I express my truths out loud, when I choose to “accentuate the positive” and then share it with the beloveds in my life. The heart, like all muscles, grows stronger when we exercise it. I, and everyone else I know, crave acceptance and need to feel loved. This is the sunshine on our souls that creates a sacred, safe place for us to grow.

         Part of the job of raising our consciousness is becoming more aware, part of the process of becoming more aware is to open our hearts to the
emotional environment that circles and swirls around us every moment. Then take charge of it. I say circular because the primary emotions we feel are principle in creating the intentions that color our perceptions. Our perceptions create the events that unfold in our lives. Our intentions flow out from us on an unconscious level and in a giant circle flow right back to us.

         So, this morning, take a moment to tell your loved ones how much you
appreciate them. Tell them how their presence in your life enriches you. Be specific. Do this with the intention of brightening their day, of sharing the love and appreciation that flows from your heart to theirs. Do not do this with any kind of agenda or expectation of getting anything back for this only sullies the gift and lessens the flow of love. It’s like handing someone a million dollars and yet being unable to open your fingers and actually let go of the check. Picture it being yanked back and forth, neither person having it.

         Now – remember the most important, and yet
most oft neglected relationship of all and dust off your personal positive regard: love yourself! After all, there is nothing about you that isn’t lovable, not even your deepest shadow parts. It’s all threads in the tapestry from which we weave our lives and all the pieces are necessary. The parts are simply tools that when used appropriately and in balance provide the pieces from which we put together our life lessons and learn to do things differently and better.

Thank you for spending this morning moment with me.

Aloha, peace and wellness, Holman

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